every day is a new day.it is good to be lucky,of course,but i prefer to be exact.that way,when luck comes,you'll be ready --hemingway,the old man and the sea 每一天都是一个新的日子。走运当然是好的,不过我情愿做到分毫不差。这样,运气来的时候,你就有所准备了。 —海明威《老人与海》。
"what i need is just a person who will protect me,prevent me from panic,do not want me to be wronged,no matter what will not give up on me." “ 我需要的也只不过是一个护我周全,免我惊慌,舍不得我受半点委屈难过,无论如何都不会放弃我的人 ”
romance is wasting time eating slowly,wasting time drinking slowly,wasting time walking slowly,wasting time getting old slowly 浪漫,就是浪费时间慢慢吃饭,浪费时间慢慢喝茶,浪费时间慢慢走,浪费时间慢慢变老。
"i like someone and naturally want to be nice to her and think about her,but i don't do anything to touch her because i want her to like me,because that's emotional blackmail,not love." - veteran woman “我喜欢一个人,自然就想对她好,为她想着,但我不会因为想她喜欢我而特意做一些事去感动她,因为这样只是情感勒索,不是爱。” —《熟女强人》。